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Seasonal Depression Slump

Hey everyone, Caroline here and today I’m going to discuss seasonal depression! Firstly, I know so many people that suffer with seasonal depression, including myself, especially right around this time of year. I want to share with you all the coping mechanisms and habits that help me combat the seasonal slump. As always, these tips…

How to Forget Embarrassing Moments

Hello! I’ve done and said so many things that I’m extremely embarrassed by. I know most people have, but that doesn’t really change how bad I feel when I think about these moments. So, because I’ve been thinking about them more often lately and it’s not the best for my mental health, I decided to…

How to Prioritize your Mental Health!

Q: How do I help put my mental well-being above other activities? A: Hey! I myself have a problem with putting my mental health first, but being at the top of your mental well being would allow you to enjoy your activities as much as well. For me, what really calms me after a stressful…

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